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28 October 2016

Europe: Integrating Refugees and Migrants through Education, LLLP Position Paper 2016


Since its creation, the Lifelong Learning Platform advocates for a holistic and humanistic vision of education that builds inclusive societies and good quality lifelong learning opportunities for all people, as laid in its 2015 Manifesto on Building the Future of Learning in Europe. With the recent large influx of refugees and migrants in Europe, new challenges have emerged. In this new position paper on Integration of Refugees and Migrants through Education, the LLLPlatform calls on EU Member States and other relevant actors to take responsibility, respect international laws and ensure integration of refugees and migrants into host societies through lifelong learning.

The paper argues that although the 2015 significant increase in arrivals resulted in many reactions, more actions are still to be taken. A holistic inclusion strategy is, according to LLLP, a prerequisite for the sustainable and long-term socio-economic and political integration of newcomers in the fabric of the host countries. Education and training are highlighted as inevitable components of such a strategy.

It is also pointed out that the European Commission's Action Plan on the Integration of the Third Country Nationals, published in June, should result in concrete actions at national level.

The 2016 Position Paper

LLLP Integrating Refugees and Migrants through Education
(377.41 KB - PDF)


Lifelong Learning Platform
Geographic area
EU Wide
Contributor type
Non-Governmental Organisations/Civil Society
Original source
Posted by
Alen Maletić

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