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05 December 2023

Estonia: Evaluation of adaptation programme for newly arrived migrants

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This report evaluates the 'Settle in Estonia' adaptation programme for newly-arrived migrants in Estonia, and the corresponding network created to provide services. The adaptation programme was established using funding of €9.4 million from the European Social Fund (ESF) and the Estonian state.

The evaluation measures the effectiveness of the programme, examines what went well, and identifies "lessons learned" and opportunities for further contribution.

The key findings of the evaluation process are the following:

  • Awareness among newcomers of the Settle in Estonia adaptation programme is very high.
  • The guidance sent by the Police and Border Guard Board to newly arrived migrants via e-mail is effective and sustainable.
  • The initial information provided about the adaptation programme is clear.
  • The registration process for the programme's training courses is complex, leaving people with limited digital skills at a disadvantage.
  • The accessibility of training courses was also found to be a concern. This is particularly the case for language courses, where beginners' language groups sometimes fill up very quickly.
  • Participants' evaluation of the adaptation programme was generally positive, with high praise given for the trainers, materials, and structure of the trainings. 
  • Analysis of the support network showed that there are different expectations of networking among different actors, as well as different needs for coordination and exchange of experience.

The evaluation makes several recommendations for the programme:

  • Refine the objectives of both the adaptation programme and the work of the support network.
  • Reorganise the enrolment process.
  • Identify the motivation of participants taking part in the adaptation programme.
  • Reduce the number of drop-outs.

The evaluation was funded by the ESF and conducted by CentAR (the Estonian Centre for Applied Research).

Estonia: Evaluating the impact and sustainability of a model for the provision of network-based support services to new immigrants and final evaluation of the training and materials for the adaptation programme
(3.46 MB - PDF)


Kadarik K., Kallaste E., Rentel A., Sildmäe L., Kivi L., Järve J
Geographic area
Contributor type
Academics and experts
Original source
Posted by
Kristjan Kaldur
Country Coordinator

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