Think tanks Praxis and Feministeerium, based in Estonia, conducted a study using a feminist participatory action research (FPAR) approach with women who fled to Estonia following the outbreak of war in Ukraine. The study was produced as part of the “Feministeerium and Praxis Advancing Gender Equality” project, supported by Estonia's Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications.
The aim of the research project was to amplify the voices of women displaced from Ukraine, thereby empowering marginalised communities, and to provide new insights for Estonian policymakers on the needs of and challenges faced by this group. Researchers worked to identify obstacles faced by Ukrainian women to living a fulfilling life in Estonia.
Key obstacles identified in the course of the research include:
- delays in document renewal that disrupt rights and benefits, leading to financial and employment issues;
- language barriers exacerbated by unstable work conditions and language courses not adapted to refugee women’s realities;
- poor working conditions, with women often taking low-paid jobs below their qualification level;
- psychological stress linked to traumatic experiences, uncertainty, and gendered caregiving responsibilities;
- discrimination based on gender, refugee status, or language;
- a lack of accessible information about services and support.
The project empowered Ukrainian women to take the lead in the research process, ensuring their experiences and recommendations were accurately represented.
- Authors
- Mari-Liis Sepper, Elisabeth Kendrali, Kateryna Popkova
- Geographic area
- Estonia
- Contributor type
- Academics and expertsIndividualsNon-Governmental Organisations/Civil Society
- Original source
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