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21 March 2016

Decision for the Establishment and appointment of Committee of Support of Refugee Children

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The Minister of Education, Research and Religious Affairs of Greece has established the Committee of Support of Refugee Children (CSRC). The establishment of the CSRC takes into consideration provisions of relevant legislation and the need for immediate action to support, care and provide education to refugee children who are in Greece. The main responsibilities of the CSRC are:

  1. Registration of all children of pre-school, school and post-school age (including, if possible, information on age, marital status, education level) in order to identify the support needs, human resources to be employed and infrastructure needs.
  2. The registration of refugees who can be employed or work on a volunteer basis in educational structures and activities, based on their certifications of qualifications, languages and other skills.
  3. Registration of relevant initiatives implemented by national and international bodies, to achieve the development of synergies and search for good practices and human resources.
  4. Education and training of staff employed in the activities.
  5. Any other executive action on the preparation of action plans, and the organisation and coordination of activities and resources, as will be decided.

In addition, the order establishes and appoints the members of the Scientific Committee and Artistic Committee, which will assist the work of the CSRC.

Decision for the Establishment and appointment of Committee of Support of Refugee Children
(303.57 KB - PDF)


Minister of Education, Research and Religious Affairs
Geographic area
Contributor type
National governmental actor
Original source
Posted by
Marina Nikolova

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