This survey focused on the displacement patterns, needs, and intentions of displaced persons from Ukraine in Czechia. Its findings are based on analysis of surveys conducted with 3 681 adult respondents between 2 January - 30 June 2023. Alongside these surveys, 50 qualitative interviews were conducted. 80% respondents were women; 20% were men.
Text and image source: IOM Czechia 2023
Key findings
- 69% respondents declared an intention to move back to Ukraine; 13% said they do not plan to return.
- 51% respondents are employed in Czechia and 23% are economically inactive (retired; student; on parental leave etc.), representing an increase of 20% since December 2022.
- There are regional differences in levels of employment: while at least 70% of respondents are employed in Prague and the Central Bohemia region, only 37% are employed in the South-Moravian region.
- 47% respondents reported having completed tertiary education. Most work in positions below their qualification level.
- Gender, age, health and family situation, knowledge of the Czech language, and time spent in Czechia are all factors found to influence respondents' participation in the labour market.
- Women are disadvantaged in terms of economic integration: 36% women respondents are unemployed and looking for work compared with 21% of their male counterparts. Further, 37% of women reported having insufficient income to meet their daily expenses compared with 20% of men.
- 43% of women respondents are in Czechia with children under 18 years old. Of these, 55% are alone with at least one child. 76% of women with children are not accompanied by a male adult and said they face obstacles in balancing work and care responsibilities.
IOM Czechia 11_23
- Authors
- IOM Czech Republic
- Geographic area
- Czech Republic
- Contributor type
- International organisation
- Original source
- Posted by
Tschechische Republik
Temporär Ansässige
Forschung oder Bericht
Ukraine response
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