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01 April 2023

Czech Republic: Fifth amendment to "Lex Ukraine" law package

Flag Czech Republic EWSI


The fifth amendment to the laws providing the legislative framework for assistance to those displaced from Ukraine in the Czech Republic, referred to collectively as Lex Ukraine V, entered into force on 1 April 2023.

The following provides an overview of important changes to the legislation:

Changes to support rules for refugee accommodation 

Amendment to Act No. 65/2022 Coll.

  • Living in an individual flat (applicable from 1.7.2023)

The Ministry of Labour introduced a registry of flats for temporary protection holders, where landlords will register flats provided to refugees. Financial support will now operate on the principle of countable eligible housing costs, which will be extended to the humanitarian benefits provided to beneficiaries of temporary protection (BTPs). These will be set by government regulation (not yet published). 

  • Housing in (emergency) accommodation (applicable from 1.7.2023)

This type of housing will be free of charge for a maximum of 150 days. Working BTPs and jobseekers that meet the conditions for humanitarian benefits will be able to receive housing support to cover their accommodation, up to the amount allocated by the benefits. The maximum period does not apply to people who belong to vulnerable groups (children aged under 18; students aged under 26; carers of a child aged under 6; pregnant women; people aged over 65; disabled people; carers of disabled people).   

  • Housing support in shared households

Support in the form of the Household Solidarity Allowance will remain unchanged; a landlord can take out the allowance if they provide accommodation free of charge to BTPs and share the accommodation. 

Amendment to Act No. 66/2022 Coll.

  • Introduction of the Register of Flats for Temporary Protection, administered by the MLSA

Amendment to the Act on the State Investment Support Fund (Act No. 211/2000 Coll.)

  • Support for the provision of long-term vacant flats on the housing market

From 1 April 2023, the State Investment Support Fund can also be used to support the provision of long-term vacant flats for rent or to sublet. 

Changes in health care

Amendment to Act No. 65/2022 Coll.

  • Provision of ambulatory care outside health care facilities 

Ambulatory health care will now be provided outside health care facilities to BTPs, especially in emergency accommodation, following the declaration of a health emergency. Persons whose serious health condition does not allow them to work for a long time, and who can prove this fact to their health insurance company with their medical records, remain insured by the state at the VZP after 150 days.

Amendment to Act No. 66/2022 Coll.

  • Assessment of health status - disability

At the request of a foreigner with temporary protection, the District Social Security Administration shall assess whether the foreigner is a person with a disability. 

Change to provision of humanitarian benefits

Amendment to Act No. 66/2022 Coll. (applicable from 1.7.2023)

Humanitarian benefits will be newly conceived as both a living allowance and a housing allowance. All income and any savings will be taken into account. Like similar benefits for Czech citizens, it will be based on the subsistence minimum, and vulnerable persons will receive a higher level of support. Details of the changes here can be found here.

Changes to employment

Amendment to the Employment Act (Act No. 435/2004 Coll.) 

  • Registration of employment of persons with temporary protection 

The Czech Social Security Administration maintains a register of employed persons with temporary protection. The employer is obliged to report the entry of BTPs into work, and any other changes to this register. The employer is obliged, if requested by the regional branch of the Labour Office, to send the Labour Office a confirmation of the applicant's income and that of any other persons mentioned in the benefits application.

(131.85 KB - PDF)


Parliament of the Czech Republic
Geographic area
Czech Republic
Contributor type
National governmental actor
Original source
Posted by
Jan Ditko
Country Coordinator

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