Eurocities' latest report on the implementation of our Integrating Cities Charter highlights new trends in migrant integration in European cities.
This is Eurocities' second report on the implementation of our Integrating Cities Charter, produced by our working group on migration and integration. The main observations in the report are based on evidence collected through the Integrating Cities Charter reporting survey, which ran from December 2014 to April 2015. Twenty cities, signatories of the charter or members of the working group, participated in the survey.
Since the first report in March 2013, a further seven European cities (Brussels, Leipzig, Lisbon, Montpellier, Nuremberg, Paris and Toulouse) and one non-European city (Toronto) have signed the charter. These and several other cities have worked together on the topic of migrant integration and helped develop tools to implement the charter commitments at local level.
Cities responding to the survey were asked to assess their performance in meeting the charter’s commitments, either fully, partly or not at all. They supplied evidence to back up their statements.
Similarly to the 2013 report, this new report demonstrates the leading role cities play in innovating, reacting and proactively adapting to continuously evolving situations. Cities operate with long term objectives, but they are also where demographic change and new migratory trends and challenges are most obvious. Responsiveness, adaptability, reactivity and resilience are increasingly part of cities’ ways of thinking.
To find out more, please visit the link provided to read the full report.
- Authors
- Thomas Jezequel
- Geographic area
- EU Wide
- Contributor type
- Non-Governmental Organisations/Civil Society
- Original source
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