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The strengthening of cooperation between Estonian- and Russian speaking organisations within the NENO (EMSL) network

Within this project the Russian-speaking non-governmental organisations (NGOs) of the country get weekly information about the possibilities of financing for their projects, participating in competitions/calls for proposals, learning and topical enterprises, the news from colleagues, etc. in Russian language. Due to the distribution of information the awareness of the target group about the activities and latest developments in the third sector of the country is increasing.

This project is important since this distribution of information to the Russian-speaking organisations helps them to get informed of their Estonian-speaking colleagues works and activities, offering therefore better prospects for the possibilities of cooperation.

Project Goal

The project is oriented to Russian-speaking residents of Estonia acting for the society's interests within the third sector and who prefer getting topical information in Russian language.

Background: the distribution of information issued in Estonian language for the past 20 years has already fostered the unification of Estonian-speaking organisations. Since not all Russian-speaking organisations have a good command of the Estonian language, a similar distribution was launched in Russian language starting in 2009. The author of the project – NENO/EMSL - assumed based on the research and opinion polls conducted among the Russian-speaking third sector in Estonia lags behind in progress and needs more attention and support than it was reckoned up before.

According to the Project's goals it was necessary to:
  • create a network of subscribers to form non-governmental Russian-speaking organisations;
  • reveal and map their needs;
  • involve persons with no citizenship as well.

How it works

A weekly bulletin is published with relevant news, whereby consultations mechanisms are offered to Russian-speaking NGOs through e-mail or face-to-face meetings when necessary.


Currently the distribution of bulletin and news is received by more than a thousand addressees (both organisations and private citizens as well as journalists).

The Russian-speaking organisations are regularly supplying information and news to be distributed.

The number of projects submitted by Russian-speaking organisations to local and European funds has significantly increased, partly thanks to the awareness raised among them via bulletin.

The number of joint projects by Estonian/Russian speaking organisations has risen as well.


Recommendations: We recommend to deal as much as possible with the  target audience, activate all available communication channels, proliferate the information about the possibility to connect the distribution not just by means of non-governmental channels but by means of mass media as well.

Evaluation: see additional information sheet attached.

Who benefits

The target group comprises active Russian-speaking residents of Estonia who work in the interests of civil society in the third sector. The polls indicate the average age of the target group is 25 – 45 years old. The target group has a good access to Internet, willing to acquire more information in Russian what's going on in the third sector and interested in cooperation with Estonian-speaking organisations.

NENO (EMSL) is interested in preserving such kind of cooperation with Russian-speaking organisations on a constant and sustainable way, not a project basis since the significance of the project for the civil society of the country is hard to overestimate. It is necessary to constantly enlarge the list of subscribers and regularly make public acquainted with the chances of participation in public life, main tendencies and civil initiative in the world, etc.

Funding and resources

Since July 2009 until December 2010 the work for the cooperation development among the Russian- and Estonian-speaking organisations has been done under the financial support of the European Fund for the Integration of Third Countries Citizens and the Integration and Migration Foundation Our People.

Starting from January, 1, 2011 the continuation of the Project is available with the financial support of the Interior Ministry of Estonia.

For a successful functioning in a domain based upon NENO/EMSL a person is needed with a command of Estonian, Russian and English language.

Annual budget: 16 000 EUR

About this good practice


Posted by
Kristjan Kaldur
Country Coordinator

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