The New Citizenship Project in Roquetas de Mar actively searches for the channels that facilitate progress toward a comprehensive, full and inclusive citizenship. It is directed towards the support of citizens seeking their empowerment as a basic form of motivation and stimulation to avoid isolation and disconnection from social and personal realities. This project is divided into two main areas: the attention to the needs of third country nationals and the work done in cooperation with the various associations working in this town. The existence of a network provides the project with an effective tool for constructive conflict resolution, generation of ideas, and above all, immigrant empowerment as a real active part of the neighbourhood population.
Project Goal
The aim of this project is to overcome the intercultural approach to actively searching for a new citizenship. Starting with an analysis of the potential of the target population and seeking to optimize resources and utilization of existing formal and informal social fabric as the core focus and generation of solutions. The main objectives are:
- the promotion of awareness of the comprehensive and full citizenship that immigrants have as residents of the municipality, as well as their rights and duties on both the political and social levels;
- and to strengthen the informal and formal social movement of residents of a source of conflict resolution, ideas and solutions.
In order to achieve these main objectives, the project has the following specific objectives:
- Support the acquisition of knowledge and use of tools to allow the entire immigrant community to normalise their relations with the different administrations and the host society.
- Thorough, detailed, and updated information of the changes and situations that occur in the town as a way to anticipate potential conflicts.
- Consolidation of the existing associations and promotion of the expansion and revitalization of their actions in particular by strengthening their participation in the Social Forum for Immigration and Citizenship of Roquetas de Mar.
- Creation through the Municipal Immigration Office a point for connection and exchange of information among the different groups in town.
- Work on the eradication of social isolation.
- Support the empowerment of immigrant population providing them with increased knowledge and the strengthening of existing formal and informal networks in the town.
Who benefits
Immigrant associations', host associations, third country nationals, The Municipal Public Services which directly interacts with the foreign population (200 municipal workers). Technicians and professionals of other government entities working in the town with the immigrant population (about 500 people). Expected coverage of the program in terms of number of people reached: 4500 direct users
How it works
The work carried out during these years has enabled the setting up of dynamics that focus on issues relevant to the community, articulated through the Roquetas Forum for Immigration and Citizenship. The issues considered come from the entities themselves or are sometimes detected by the Office. Upon determining what issues are priorities, a diagnosis and analysis trying to offer possible solutions is undertaken. This is followed by the implementation of the measures that have been decided, and finally the evaluation of the results is carried out, drawing conclusions from the Forum’s working group. For instance, many associations showed concern over the academic performance of regrouped children as well as the lack of supervision of these, especially in cases where both parents work. Therefore the collaboration of the Volunteer Office of Roquetas de Mar was sought, as well as members of associations that had an optimal profile to provide academic support. This was done through workshops where students could obtain the necessary help with their homework as well as training in study skills that otherwise would be very difficult for these children to have. The workshops have been developed throughout the school year and have been divided into 2 age groups (6 to 11 years and 12 to 16 years) for a total of 22 students. Some associations brought to light the need to take measures to stop the death and injuries of cyclists and pedestrians of foreign origin in traffic accidents, since there had been numerous cases of people being run over on the town’s roads. The Forum concluded the urgent need for concrete actions, these were: (a) the organization of a series of road safety education courses taught by local police of the municipality, following the teaching trainers model; and (b) a campaign to raise awareness and inform the members of the actions carried out, which proved to be essential. It was also decided to facilitate access to security instruments such as: reflective vests, helmets, markings lights, etc. Given the success of the first edition both in participation and in satisfaction of all parties involved, the Forum was reconvened and it was decided that these courses be periodically carried out. The different editions organized since then have had a number of around 500 participants.
The team performed approximately 5000 direct interventions with individual users through the Municipal Immigration Office. As regards the participation of associations in the various stages of program development, 60% of registered associations in the town have worked with this project. The number of women that have worked with the project’s team has been 1560. 5 new associations have started throughout the development of this program.
The program takes place in 1 municipality in 14 districts. After the 1st implementation of the project the successes or important points to keep working are:
- Real and practical revitalization of the associations in the municipality as well as greater civic participation of residents of Roquetas de Mar in the revival of the social and political life and in the search of creative and constructive solutions to problems encountered
- Incorporation of women in organizations and immigrant associations and increase their power in decisions affecting them.
- Incorporate, in a standardized manner, the organizations and associations from other areas
- Consolidate the Municipal Bureau of Immigration as a reference point for residents of Roquetas de Mar.
Funding and resources
Source of funding: Grant of the General Directorate of the Employment and Social Security Ministry, and the European Integration Fund Total annual budget (EUR) 90,000€, 67,500 € co-financing Number and type of workers needed: 4 intercultural mediators and informers
About this good practice
- Project dates
- -
- Geographic area
- Spain
- City
- Roquetas de Mar– ALMERIA - ANDALUCIA
- Organisation
- Roquetas de Mar City Council
- Contact person
- Juan Francisco Iborra Rubio
- Position
- Person in charge of the Immigration municipal office, Roquetas de Mar City Hall
- Posted by