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Finland: Multilingual support for immigrant women

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MONIKA is an umbrella organisation of multicultural women’s organisations in Finland which runs several support centres for migrant women, mainly in the Helsinki metropolitan area: Integration Centre Monika offers multilingual support to women with an immigrant background; Crisis Centre Monika and Shelter Mona provide direct, multilingual support to women with an immigrant background, and their children, who have experienced violence.

Project Goal

MONIKA offers migrant women low-threshold services in several languages. Receiving support in a language more familiar to them makes it easier for these women to contact relevant authorities, make connections, and learn new skills in their new home country. Women that use MONIKA's services may be in a particularly vulnerable position when it comes to domestic violence and be unfamiliar with local authorities, and they may need direct help in removing themselves from difficult situations at home.

How it works

At Crisis Centre Monika, women can receive individual guidance and advice on applying for a job, pursuing studies, residence permits, family reunification, housing, and livelihood. Help is available in several languages: Arabic, Dari, English, Estonian, Farsi, Finnish, Russian, and Spanish.

The centre also organises group activities for immigrant women that boost their skills relating to job-seeking and integration in genera, including language classes in Finnish and English, digital skills, and job-seeking groups. The centre additionally offers mentoring services by volunteers: employment mentors help women with job-seeking and can relay knowledge about Finnish work life, language mentors help women with their speaking and other language skills, digital mentors can help with computers, and hobby mentors can assist with finding fun activities to do in their spare time. The integration centre is open 6 days a week and the individual services are available without pre-booking an appointment. The centre is open 24 hours a day and is a women-only space.

Shelter Mona provides housing at a secret location. Its services are all free of charge and anonymous if necessary. Both Crisis Centre Monika and Shelter Mona provide low-threshold crisis assistance, psychosocial support, guidance and service coordination, peer support groups and supportive housing services for those who have left the shelter accommodation.

Although MONIKA is located in Helsinki it offers support via phone and online, in various languages.


According to MONIKA’s annual review, in 2022 the integration centre helped 431 immigrant women and was contacted 1 994 times. It also delivered 832 invidual guidance sessions and 54 different group sessions to 1 540 clients. 31 women were successfully support into employment or a course of study. The crisis centre supported 461 women and was contacted 4 960 times, and the shelter assisted 299 clients who spent a total of 7 938 days there.

Who benefits

Women with an immigrant background and their children, in particular those experiencing domestic violence.

Funding and resources

The majority of MONIKA’s funding comes from the City of Helsinki, the Ministry of Social Affairs and the Health/ Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare, the Ministry of Education and Culture and the City of Vantaa. In 2024 MONIKA received approximately 1.2 million euros in funding from the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health and its Funding Centre for Social Welfare and Health Organisations (STEA).

About this good practice


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Posted by
Marja Tiilikainen
Country Coordinator
Vuosikatsaus 2022_Monika-Naiset liitto ry
(5.88 MB - PDF)

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