The challenges the migrant population faces when relating with the hosting communities range from the ability to manage the hosting society’s language, to the social customs and the work/employment practices which are reflected in their health and well-being. These challenges have led to the search of responses that ensure the essential rights everybody is entitled to. Besides the legal norms and the several organizations and associations that support the migrant population, local policies have a fundamental role in the integration of these communities in order to promote and protect their rights and combat racism and xenophobia. Thus, as a global phenomenon with a strong impact on health, the World Health Organization placed international migration in the agenda of the IV Phase of the Healthy Cities Project as an axis of intervention on the issue of health. The city of Viana do Castelo, where foreign citizens from 60 different countries reside, is a member of the European Healthy Cities Network and is committed to develop strategies promoting health among immigrants. Therefore, the project Among Cultures has been set up. It follows the guiding principles of the Development Plan on Health 2007-2015 with the goal of developing the insertion and participation of foreign citizens in the hosting society sponsoring dignified and equal opportunities. It is a project that guarantees human rights based on a citizenship lived locally, through contact and mutual knowledge among different cultural systems, sharing experiences and knowledge.
Project Goal
The general goal of the project is to promote integration, participation, equality and social cohesion among foreign citizens living in the municipality. The specific goals are: to establish mechanisms facilitating daily life, to develop feelings of trust, balance and security among foreign residents and to spur the establishment of immigrant associations.
In order to reach these goals, several socio-cultural, recreational and leisure initiatives are being developed celebrating special dates for the immigrant community. Thus, besides the Portuguese conversation classes all year round and other activities, these initiatives occur in March (Discrimination Week), May (Cultural Diversity Week) and November (Tolerance Week). Some examples of these initiatives are workshops on immigration targeting the entire population residing in the municipality, workshops of knowledge exchange between immigrants and the local population, culinary workshops, cricket matches. The Guide for the Foreign Citizen is also available on line with useful information on the public services available. In partnership with Monserrate High School, the project set up a place for meeting, conviviality and exchange among immigrants.
Who benefits
Immigrants from different sending countries working in the municipality of Viana do Castelo and also retired foreign citizens living permanently in the municipality.
How it works
A working team was set up with the following composition: the City Council of the municipality of Viana do Castelo, Immigrant’s Local Integration Centre, Monserrate High School and the Higher Education School of Health of the Polytechnic Institute of Viana do Castelo. Since 2008 the team has a monthly meeting to discuss the strategies of intervention in the area and to implement projects and activities.
Since the beginning of the project the number of foreign citizens taking part in the conversation classes has increased as well as the number of participants in the initiatives developed during the three thematic weeks. There is a growing number of participants in the activities targeting the general resident population and also in the cultural exhibitions, theatre and leisure events.
Although there is not an evaluation instrument for the project, the growing number of foreign citizens participating in the aforementioned activities and in other initiatives developed in the community is a good indicator that the goals are being reached.
Funding and resources
Regarding the logistics, each of the partners makes available what it owns as resources considering the needs presented to the group. Concerning the funding, the City Council has an annual budget for the project. The Local Integration Centre (CLAII) and the Monserrate High School also provide funding for some of the low-cost activities.
About this good practice
- Project dates
- -
- Geographic area
- Portugal
- City
- Viana do Castelo
- Organisation
- Viana do Castelo City Council, Technical Group of Migrants / Office of the project “Viana do Castelo Healthy City”
- Contact person
- Ms. Margarida Torres
- Position
- Coordinator of the Healthy City Office
- Posted by