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The 2incING project promoted refugee and migrant participation in the design and implementation of integration and related policies at local, regional, national and European level. The multidisciplinary project was coordinated by 4 CSOs (in Croatia, Greece, Malta and Netherlands, 1 alliance (Belgium) and 1 university (Netherlands).

Project Goal

The project comprised a set of activities designed to support the European Commission (EC)'s aim of including refugees and migrants in policy making process, by raising awareness among refugees and migrants themselves as well as policy makers. 

Additionally, the project aimed to support dialogue and connection between different groups of beneficiaries in order that they might learn from each other and adapt good practice and policy examples from other countries to their own context.

Some institutions in the countries included in this project were already implementing such practices of inclusion, so in these cases the aim was to strengthen relevant practices.

These policies and their implementation will ultimately benefit both migrants and refugees as well as European societies as a whole, making them more inclusive, democratic and socially cohesive.

Who benefits

Migrants, including refugees, and policy makers benefit from this project, as well as - ultimately, through the increased social cohension facilited by the project - wider society.

How it works

The project was divided into 5 work packages focused on educational activities. These were followed up with concrete tasks to produce concrete policy tools for advocating refugee and migrant inclusion in policy making processes.

These activities included:

  • 4 desk research activities on active refugee and migrant advocates (for each national context);
  • creation of 1 interactive map of refugee and migrant advocates;
  • 12 national educational workshops for refugees and migrants (120 participants);
  • 1 international online lecture on innovative tools (G100 conference) to create dialogue among refugees/migrants and decision makers (60 participants);
  • 4 national G100 conferences (200 participants);
  • 4 national Advocacy Academy workshops for decision/policy makers (60 participants);
  • 1 train the trainers workshop (40 participants);
  • 4 Steering Committees of refugee and migrant advocates (40 participants);
  • 4 national Shadow Reports on the impact of the integration policy;
  • 8 national policy meetings between refugees/migrants and decision/policy makers (160 participants); and
  • 1 international conference (60 participants).


The project campaign produced 20 national videos/teasers, 4 final videos and 8 infographics on the policy making process.

Watch below the project's short video of meetings between refugees, migrants, and government partners.

Source: 2incING project, 2023.

Watch more videos here.

Funding and resources

The project was co-funded by the European Commission's Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF).

The project partners were the Centre for Peace Studies, aditus foundation, Refugee Academy, Greek Forum of Refugees, Syrian Volunteers Netherlands, and the European Council for Refugees and Exiles (ECRE).

About this good practice


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Olivia Long
Content manager

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