News |
The Council of the European Union agreed to extend the Temporary Protection Directive (TPD) for people fleeing Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine to 4 March 2025. |
In collaboration with UNHCR, Greece's Ministry of Migration and Asylum released an integration guide for refugees and beneficiaries of subsidiary protection. |
The validity of temporary protection permits granted to persons displaced from Ukraine living in Portugal has been extended for six months. |
Funding opportunities |
Upcoming events |
The European Migration Network (EMN) is organising an online event to mark the launch of its recently published report on EU labour market entry for international protection applicants. The study analyses the ways in which EMN member countries support the integration of applicants for international protection in the labour market. |
This seminar will provide participants the opportunity to address existing challenges and specific needs, and to share insights on what must be improved in order to successfully ensure child protection in the context of migration. |
Der Wiener Integrations- und Diversitätsmonitor gibt Einblick in eine Reihe von für Integration und Diversität relevante Themen- und Lebensbereiche. |
This one-day conference will bring together researchers, practitioners, and end-users to discuss and reflect on the current state of research, policy and practice in migrant mental health, and the responses of states, healthcare systems, and civil societies. |
This event will see workshops, debates and conferences on migrant integration policies and services, focused on four dimensions: legal/administrative, educational, gender, and mental/social health. Its aim is to listen to professionals dealing daily with young migrants in order to better understand their needs and good practices. |
The Estonian Refugee Council is organising an international humanitarian assistance conference in Tallinn that will host discussion on the future of humanitarian cash, digitalisation in humanitarian assistance, and localisation in the context of Ukraine. |
Integration practices |
Le Groupe d’échange et de soutien en matière d’intégration au niveau local (GRESIL) est pour les communes et les membres des commissions communales du vivre-ensemble une plateforme de rassemblement, d’échange, d’information, de formation et de soutien autour des thèmes de l’intégration et du vivre-ensemble interculturel au niveau local et régional. |
Accessing studies and acquiring formal qualifications is an important aspect of migrant integration. With this in mind, this article highlights good practices in refugee support initiatives at Belgian universities. |
This project in Greece raises awareness among the educational community of human rights and refugee issues through experiential activities, theatre performances, and educational drama techniques. |
Documents and publications |
This study examines the legislation, policies and practices related to the integration of international protection applicants into the labour market in member countries of the European Migration Network (EMN). |
Ce guide est un outil opérationnel recensant les bonnes pratiques pouvant faciliter l’installation de nouveaux arrivants et le pilotage d’un projet d’accueil dans une commune rurale. |
This publication from the World Health Organization gives an overview of available evidence on patterns of risk and protective factors in the mental health needs of refugees and migrants, and examines facilitators and barriers to care at the individual, family, community and national levels. |
Citizens of Ukraine are currently the most represented nationality among migrants in Slovakia. This study analyses the economic participation in Slovakia of those displaced by the ongoing war in Ukraine in comparison with that of economic migrants from Ukraine. |