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European Website on Integration
19 November 2024

Slovenia: New integration information centre

Flag of Slovenia

The Government of Slovenia will establish an information/intercultural centre to offer information and advice in promotion of the easier and faster integration of immigrants into society. 

In the multipurpose space, all relevant information will be provided in the form of both individual and group counseling and training. The government's specific aims in establishing this space are to contribute to the empowerment of different groups of migrants and foreigners, and to improve the familiarity of individuals within these groups with their rights and duties in Slovenia. 

In addition, intercultural dialogue and cultural awareness will be strengthened via the centre through the organisation of various cultural activities. The space will be dedicated to the exchange of experience, knowledge and skills between the local population and foreigners, which will help create a more open and tolerant society.

A website is also set to be established which will provide up-to-date, relevant information for foreigners in a range of languages.

The project is 75% co-financed by the European Commission's Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF).

Further information is available in Slovenian here.


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Posted by
Lana Zdravković
Country Coordinator

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