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16 September 2024

Romania: 5 AMIF calls for proposals launched

Flag of Romania

The General Inspectorate for Immigration in Romania opened 5 calls for proposals for AMIF funding from initiatives supporting asylum seekers and third country nationals (TCNs) in the country.

Among the calls, 3 refer to the social and economic integration of TCNs (including beneficiaries of international protection, beneficiaries of temporary protection and others with legal stay) who live in the following regions of Romania: Western (Timiș, Arad, Bihor, Hunedoara, Caraș – Severin, and Mehedinți counties), North-Eastern (Suceava, Iași, Botoșani and Neamț), and Southern (Giurgiu, Călărași, Ialomița, Teleorman, Olt and Dolj). The total available budget under these 3 calls is RON 11 676 530 (approximately EUR 2 335 306).

These calls specifically request the establishment of regional integration centres. Under their umbrella a range of activities will be funded, such as counselling, language training, cultural orientation sessions, support for accessing education, health care, social benefits, employment and housing, and legal assistance.

Funding under the other 2 calls - amounting to a total budget of RON 9 500 000 (approximately EUR 1 900 000) - will support the provision of material support and health care to asylum seekers. This 'material support' can include limited financial assistance, food supplies and an installation package, language training, cultural orientation and other educational and leisure activities. Health care can include counselling and health education, screening for communicable diseases and blood tests, medication, psychological counselling and therapy and regular check-ups in reception centres.

Eligible applicants are public institutions, NGOs, educational and research units, and international organisations. Applicants must be able to ensure at least 2% co-financing of the total project budget.

The deadline for proposals is 27 September. Find further information - in Romanian - and submit proposals here.


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Posted by
Luciana Lazarescu
Country Coordinator

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