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European Website on Integration
23 June 2020

Portugal: Remarkable growth of foreign citizens living in the country

Portuguese flag

According to the latest report of the Aliens and Borders Service (SEF), the number of foreign citizens residing in Portugal rose by 22.9% in comparison to 2018. There are currently 590,348 documented third country nationals holding a residence permit, the highest since 1976. This figure represents 5.7% of the total population living in Portugal.

The report also highlights that 151,304 Brazilians represent approximately a quarter of the total foreign residents in Portugal (25.6%) and had a 45.5% increase from the previous year. Cape Verdeans are the second largest community (6.3%) while the British are the third (5.8% of the total).

Concerning new residence permits, in 2019 SEF issued 129,155 permits. 37.8% of the residence permits were for Brazilian citizens, 6.5% for British and 6.1% for Italians. India (4.9%) and Nepal (3.9%) rank fourth and fifth.

With regard to integration, SEF has implemented a series of projects to bring together and facilitate the relationship with foreign citizens. For example, the “SEF on the move” program targeting vulnerable groups (patients, the elderly and children), aims to promote the regularisation of third country nationals. Within the scope of the “SEF goes to school” program, awareness and legalisation activities were carried out for young immigrants in an irregular situation who still attend school classes.

The Foreigners and Borders Service Portal (SEF) set up a private area - MySEF - where services can be performed. These services include the renewal of permits, online certificates, electronic payments, management of interviews with SEF and data changes. SMART SEF ID is a pilot project that aims to facilitate the renewal of residence permits for university students through the operationalisation of a partnership between SEF and the University of Coimbra.

SEF Contact Centre is a telephone platform that facilitates the contact between foreign citizens and SEF, promoting the reception and integration of migrant communities. This service is provided in partnership with civil society entities through the placement of trained socio-cultural mediators in several languages.

Report in Portuguese
(4.31 MB - PDF)


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Posted by
Alina Esteves
Country Coordinator

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