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European Website on Integration
17 September 2010

Portugal launched the Plan II for Immigrant Integration (2010-2013)


Portugal launched, on the 17th September 2010, Plan II for Immigrant Integration, created by the Council of Ministers Resolution nr. 74/2010 , to be implemented until the end of 2013.

The II Plan for Immigrant Integration involves 14 Ministries in the implementation of 90 measures, along 17 intervention areas: Welcoming; Culture and Language; Employment, Training and Businesses Dynamics; Education; Solidarity and Social Security; Health, Housing; Justice; Racism and Discrimination; Access to Citizenship and Civic Participation; Immigrant’s Associative Activity; Immigrant’s Descendants; Elderly Immigrants; Relations with Countries of Origin; Promotion of Diversity and interculturality; Gender Issues and Human Trafficking.

The Plan II for Immigrant Integration, like the first one, is coordinated by the High Commission for Immigration and Intercultural Dialogue (ACIDI, I.P.), that is the public institute, under the Presidency of the Council of Ministers and the Prime Minister, with the mission to collaborate in the conception, implementation and evaluation of public policies, both cross-cutting and sector-specific, relevant for the integration of immigrants and ethnic minorities.



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Carla Martingo

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