The Conflict Kitchen Foundation is inviting migrants in Poland, including refugees, to apply for small grants for projects. The funding has been made available as part of the 'About Us With Us' programme (financed by the Active Citizens Programme of the EEA Funds), which aims to promote migrant-led civic and socio-cultural activity and increase self-advocacy opportunities for migrants.
Winning projects will be granted up to PLN 3 000 (EUR 630), and will be assigned a mentor.
Eligible initiatives include:
- self-advocacy projects;
- activities for the protection of the rights and interests of people belonging to migrant communities;
- projects aimed at strengthening, activating and building the networks of migrant communities;
- educational and cultural projects.
Specific examples of eligible activities include:
- organisation of self-help group meetings for migrant mothers;
- organisation of a country of origin day with, for example, lectures, cooking workshops and dance shows,
- recording a podcast on e.g. the culture of one's country, one's migration experience and life in Poland,
- organising screenings of films from the country/region of origin,
- street art, an art exhibition, a concert,
- own social campaign.
Project proposals can be submitted by individuals or groups. Each winning project will be assigned a mentor.
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