The Minister of Education and Science in Poland announced a tender entitled "Supporting educational initiatives in a multicultural school environment".
Funding under this tender will be given to projects that prepare teachers, teaching assistants, and other educational staff to effectively work with both foreign students and Polish students who have studied abroad. Eligible projects are those aimed at organising training sessions or workshops to improve knowledge and skills for a multicultural learning environment.
Preference will be given to projects that include one or more of the following elements:
- the use of a variety of methods and tools, i.e. trainings, workshops, seminars, courses effectively supporting the development of the necessary competencies to work in a multicultural environment, including the teaching of Polish as a foreign language, also in a distance learning format;
- inclusion of elements supporting school adaptation and integration between foreign students and students who are Polish citizens;
- supporting cooperation between the school and the local multicultural environment;
- improving the knowledge of the Polish language of persons employed as teaching assistants who are not Polish citizens.
The deadline for submission of applications is 16 October.
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