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European Website on Integration
07 September 2016

Austria: The 2016 Intercultural Achievement Awards go to ...

On 7 September 2016, the Ceremony of the Intercultural Achievement Award (IAA) took place in Vienna, in the presence of Federal Minister of Integration Sebastian Kurz. The event honoured five successful and innovative projects in the field of intercultural dialogue, both in Austria and on a global scale.

The Special Award for Integration went to the Austrian project *peppa; an intercultural Caritas girls center in Vienna which supports and empowers young women, with or without migrant background, in their integration into the society. The remaining prizes honoured foreign projects:

  • Art for Change received the Sustainability award for empowering children through education in drama and theatre performances in New Delhi.
  • Community Cooking was awarded in the 'recent event' category for organising cooking sessions for both Syrian refugee and Lebanese women, from different religious and social backgrounds, in Lebanon.
  • YAWE Foundation received the Media Prize for using local radio throughout Uganda to transmit plays and songs carrying messages on anti-discrimination and tolerance, with a special focus on those living with HIV. 
  • Educators for a Shared Society was honoured in the innovation category for encouraging the development of a common regional identity in Israel, beyond ethnic and religious identities, by illustrating practical examples of common values.

All awarded projects received 5,000 euros, except Art for Change which received 10,000 euros.

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Norbert Bichl
Country Coordinator

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