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European Website on Integration
15 February 2022

Ireland: Government opens new scheme for asylum seekers

Flag of Ireland

The Irish Government opened the second strand of its regularisation scheme for undocumented migrants, addressed to people within the international protection programme. The scheme will be open for six months, from 7 February - 7 August 2022. 

The decision to include asylum seekers alongside undocumented migrants in the new regularisation programme follows a recommendation by a 2019 expert advisory group.

Asylum seekers who have been within the international protection programme for at least two years can now apply for 'Stamp 4', which is an immigration permission giving unrestricted access to the labour market and offering a pathway to Irish citizenship. They will not be required to withdraw their international protection application when they sign up to the scheme, rather they will be able to continue both processes in parallel. 

Further details regarding qualification criteria and required documentation for the scheme can be found here. The Irish Refugee Council offers further explanation on its website of some aspects of the scheme, such as family reunification rights and the appeal process for unsuccessful applicants.  


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Teresa Buczkowska
Country Coordinator

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