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02 July 2024

Greece: “A step forward” accommodation centre project continues

Flag of Greece

Doctors of the World in Greece launched a new phase of open accommodation centre “A Step Forward”, ensuring the continuity of its services for women and mother asylum seekers and their children. This was made possible by collaboration between the Ministry of Migration and Asylum, the General Secretariat for Vulnerable Persons & Institutional Protection, and the Swiss Immigration Secretariat, through their Cooperation Programme Switzerland - Greece 2023 - 2026.

A Step Forward protects and supports its residents throughout the asylum application process and to establish themselves in their new country, promoting their social inclusion. It specifically targets women - along with their children - who have experienced or are currently facing a high risk of exploitation, abuse and marginalisation.

The centre's team takes a holistic approach. In particular, it provides psychosocial assistance and counselling, psychological support and psychoeducation, language learning activities, social orientation and creative employment, and legal information and counselling.


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