On 9 November 2017, the EU opened a 25 million euro worth call for proposals. The requested EU co-funding can be between EUR 450.000 and EUR 1.000.000, with a maximum co-funding rate of 90% of the total eligible costs of the action. Eligible applications must be transnational, involving at least three entities established in at least two different EU Member States, with the exception of Denmark. Projects of maximum 36 months are to run between 2018 and 2021.
This AMIF call for proposals comprises five distinct funding lines which reflect policy priorities identified in the EU Action Plan on the integration of third-country nationals:
1. Raising Awareness on migrant's contribution to EU Societies
Projects should in particular aim at providing clearer facts on migration and integration. Communication activities should be evidence-based in order to build a positive narrative on migration and integration and contribute to change perceptions. Effective ways of communicating on migration/integration should be proposed through the projects, including by adapting key messages to specific audiences which have negative preconceived attitudes towards migration/integration.
2. Community Building at local level, including through volunteering activities
Proposals should support cultural, sport or other community building activities. Volunteering can be a particularly effective way to foster the interaction between EU citizens and third country nationals. Therefore, projects submitted under this priority might include a volunteering component, involving host-country nationals and both EU citizens and third-country nationals.
3. Pre-departure and post-arrival support for the integration of persons in need of international protection who are resettled from a third country, including through volunteering activities
A special attention should be paid to the gender dimension, rights of the child, and vulnerabilities of resettled persons in these preparatory activities. Capacity-building in the receiving communities, including through the promotion of structured co-operation and partnership among national, regional and local actors are also eligible within this priority.
4. Promote swift integration of TCNs into the labour market through strengthened cooperation and mobilisation of employers and social and economic partners
Projects applications should include, in particular, the development of measures or schemes aiming to facilitate labour market integration; the exchange of methods and practices, as well as capacity building among employers, employers' organisations, chambers, trade unions and migrants’ associations; and mobilisation of employers to actively promote early and effective integration in their workforce and beyond. Proposals aiming to create transnational partnerships between employers, public and private employment services and national and local authorities to foster the development of tools and methods are encouraged.
5) Integration of victims of trafficking in human beings
Actions on assistance and support measures should address the needs of third country nationals, especially women and children who are victims of trafficking and have specific needs. It is crucial that the measures incorporate a gender-specific approach and that actions address the perspective of the victims, with a view to assisting their integration in the host society. Projects should aim at improving the situation of the target group and transnational cooperation between support networks, as well as at developing practical approaches, tools and guidelines.
Application is possible until 1 March 2018.
More information and application documents can be found on the call website.
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