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20 November 2016

Estonia: New government, no change in citizenship and integration policies


In November 2016, a new government coalition was formed in Estonia. And the three elected parties are known to have very different definitions of integration and a diverging understanding of how it should be supported. They nevertheless managed to reach an agreement on migrant integration within only a few days. 

Despite fears that integration matters could become a hurdle in the coalition negotiations, the parties agreed to continue with Estonia’s present citizenship policy. They also declared that the country did not and was not planning to support the European Union’s migration quotas under the EU relocation and resettlement programmes. The parties also agreed that more emphasis and monetary support was to be given to improve the quality and accessibility of Estonian language training to residents for whom Estonian is not the native language, by developing new methods for language training and creating Estonian language houses in Tallinn and Narva.


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Kristjan Kaldur
Country Coordinator

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