For the first time since the re-independence of Estonia in 1991, immigration have exceeded emigration in 2015. One of the factors that led to such record is the rise of labour immigration rates.
A total of 15,413 people immigrated to and 13,003 people emigrated from Estonia in 2015, making for a net migration total of 2,410. Approximately 52% of the immigration consists of Estonian citizens returning to Estonia, 21% were citizens of the EU and 27% citizens of third countries.
Taking a closer look at reasons of immigration, one can discover that residence permits for working purposes were issued 1/3 more in 2015 than previous years. This increase can partially be explained by the mitigation of labour immigration rules as well as the more proactive foreign talent attraction policies adopted by the government. For instance, while the previous legislation obliged employers to pay foreign workers at least the 1.24 times the Estonian average salary, currently foreign employees are paid the average salary, at minimum. Another example is to be found in the ICT sector where foreign workers are as of now excepted from annual immigration quotas.
Estonia’s non-EU immigration quota for 2016 is 1,317 people, which is 0.1 percent of Estonia’s permanent population. Though Estonian employers have for many years demanded the raise of the immigration quota, arguing that this will help reduce unemployment rates in the long term and fill labour shortages.
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