The Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic announced an extraordinary grants procedure for municipalities, to support the integration of temporary protection holders at the local level in 2022. Projects must be in line with the government's Framework for the Integration of Foreigners.
Target group:
The primary target group for this funding is those granted temporary protection in the Czech Republic in 2022. Secondary target groups are other migrants in the Czech Republic (apart from applicants for international protection) and the majority Czech society.
Eligible activities:
Preference will be given to projects that provide social and legal counselling, run social activities for the target group and work directly with clients. Eligible projects will be those offering a set of intensive adaptation and integration activities and measures aimed at improving integration at the local level and preventing possible conflicts (e.g. in the field of information on integration, familiarisation activities, etc.).
Eligible projects may be implemented primarily in municipalities, voluntary municipality associations, towns or urban districts. An application may be submitted even if there is no emergency accommodation in the territory of the applicant (where there are at least 50 persons with temporary protection), if there is a high concentration of persons from the target group.
Eligible applicants:
Municipalities, voluntary associations of municipalities, statutory cities or urban districts. Other organisations may also be partners. An applicant may submit only one project per call.
Where can projects be implemented?
- A municipality, voluntary association of municipalities, statutory city or urban district where there is at least 1 emergency accommodation in which at least 50 persons with temporary protection are accommodated. A maximum of 500 000 CZK will be awarded per such facility.
- A voluntary association of municipalities or statutory town where no emergency accommodation has been established. A maximum of 1 000 000 CZK will be awarded in such a case.
- A municipality or urban district where no emergency accommodation is established. A maximum of 500 000 CZK will be awarded in such a case.
These subsidies are being provided by the Czech state, and will be able to cover up to 95 % of a project's budget in the period from 24 February to 31 December 2022.
The deadline for applications is 15 May 2022.
Find further information in Czech here.
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- Czech Republic
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