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27 March 2024

Cyprus: Public consultations on new action plan for the integration and social inclusion of migrants

Flag of Cyprus

The Civil Registry and Migration Department of Cyprus’ Ministry of Interior is hosting a series of public consultations on its 2024 - 2026 Action plan on the integration and social inclusion of migrants.  

The 3 consultations will take place on 29 March in Nicosia, on 3 April in Larnaca and on 12 April in Limassol, inviting civil society organisations, state bodies, professionals and stakeholders to offer feedback and suggestions on the draft action plan prepared by the Ministry of Interior. The first event in Nicosia will be addressed by the Honorable Minister of Interior, Mr. Konstantinos Ioannou. As the ministry notes in its announcement, ‘these consultations serve as an essential step in ensuring that the proposed actions are comprehensive, effective, and responsive to the needs of both migrants and the host society’. 

During the consultation events, ministry officials will present a comprehensive draft of the action plan encompassing various thematic areas crucial to the successful integration of the migrant population, including education, employment, skills development, health, and housing. The plan also features a number of horizontal support actions designed to facilitate the smooth integration of migrants on the island.

Each event will commence with a brief presentation of the draft plan, followed by interactive group discussions aimed at gathering diverse viewpoints, comments, and suggestions. Through this collaborative process, the Ministry of Interior in Cyprus seeks to harness collective expertise and experiences to develop inclusive and impactful strategies for the integration of migrants into Cypriot society.

Find further information and register here.

Agenda of Public Consultations (Greek)
(182.51 KB - PDF)


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Posted by
Savvas Charalambous
Country Coordinator

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