![Flag of Cyprus](/sites/default/files/styles/ewsi_scale_225_width/public/2022-02/Cyprus2.png?itok=mrp4j-ya)
The European Funds Unit of Cyprus’s Ministry of Interior signed grant agreements with the beneficiaries of selected projects, under Cyprus’s Asylum, Migration, and Integration (AMIF) national programme. This marks the official launch of several initiatives aimed at enhancing migrant services, supporting asylum procedures, and facilitating the integration of third-country nationals (TCNs) on the island.
In August, the unit signed agreements for the official launch of the following projects:
- Enhancement of the Management of Legal Migration with the Republic’s Civil Registry and Migration Department. This project involves the hiring of 48 officers to improve the management and support services available to migrants.
- Operation of a Reception Centre for Unaccompanied Minors from Third Countries with the Hope for Children organisation. This project will finance the operational and management costs of a reception centre that will host and support at least 45 unaccompanied boys.
- Offering Greek Lessons to Adult Third-Country Nationals in partnership with the Centre for Social Innovation. This initiative involves developing and offering Greek language classes to adult migrants across the island.
- Offering Greek Lessons to Minor Nationals of Third Countries in collaboration with the Center for the Advancement of Research and Development in Educational Technology (CARDET). This project supports the provision of Greek language lessons and preparatory classes for migrant children aged 12-18 across Cyprus.
These projects have already started and are expected to significantly enrich the support services available to migrants in Cyprus, promoting their integration process within the host community.
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