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15 February 2021

Bulgaria: Twice as many receive Bulgarian citizenship compared to 2019


The President of Bulgaria’s Commission on Bulgarian Citizenship found that 16 709 people acquired Bulgarian citizenship in 2020, which is approximately twice as many as in 2019 (when this number stood at 8 887).

The top five countries of origin for those being granted citizenship remain the same as in 2019: the Republic of North Macedonia, Ukraine, Serbia, Moldova and Albania. As a result of the so-called European migrant crisis, there is also a significant increase in the number of Iraqi and Syrian citizens who have received a Bulgarian passport – from 7 and 5 respectively in 2019, to 47 and 44 in 2020. Other third countries which have seen a significant increase in nationals being granted citizenship in Bulgaria are Vietnam and Armenia, from 16 and 20 in 2019 to 44 and 43 in 2020.

Bulgarian citizenship was acquired in 2020 based on the following grounds:

  • Bulgarian origin – 11,440;
  • A parent who is a Bulgarian citizen or full adoption – 4,758;
  • General naturalization – 447;
  • Significant investment – 22;
  • Special merits – 12.

In addition, 1 737 people have restored their Bulgarian citizenship in 2020.

The number of persons who have received the so-called 'golden passport' based on a significant investment in Bulgaria remains relatively similar, standing at 26 in 2019. Bulgaria is one of only three countries in the EU that offer citizenship based on significant investments (together with Malta and Cyprus). In 2019, the European Commission criticized Bulgaria for weak control and lack of transparency over these procedures. In January 2021, the independent media outlet Mediapool published an investigative piece on the 'golden passports' which showed that 86 % of those who have received such a passport haven’t made any actual investments in the country. EWSI reported on this problem in 2018, based on investigations published by SEGA newspaper and Bivol.

Read more here.


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Bistra Ivanova
Country Coordinator

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