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European Website on Integration
31 October 2020

Strategy for the integration of foreign nationals in the city of Brno 2020 – 2026

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Brno, with approximately 382 000 inhabitants, is the second largest city in the Czech Republic and the city with the second largest number of foreigners (counting 33 000 foreigners in 2019). In 2020, the city created its own strategy for the integration of foreigners.

Image removed.

The target group of the strategy is foreigners legally residing in Brno, as well as the public, employers and public institutions such as schools and authorities. The process of developing and drafting the strategy took three years and involved 150 participants from a wide range of organisations across the country, such as municipal, regional and state authorities, school and health institutions, universities, employers, social services, security forces, political parties and NGOs.

The main objectives of the strategy are as follows:

  • Supporting the integration of foreigners into the majority society
  • Promoting the education of foreign children and adults
  • Supporting foreigners' economic self-sufficiency
  • Solving and preventing common problems
  • Educating public institution employees (such as schools, social service providers, NGOs) on communication with foreigners
  • Fostering mutual communication between foreigners and these institutions

The strategy document is available in both Czech and English.

strategie brno
(1.44 MB - PDF)


SocioFactor s. r. o., Brno City Municipality, Department of Social Care, Division of Social Inclusion
Geographic area
Czech Republic
Contributor type
Academics and experts
Regional governmental actor
Original source
Posted by
Jan Ditko
Country Coordinator

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