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European Website on Integration
14 March 2024

Spain: Peer support and mentoring promotes refugee resilience and empowerment

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This study analyses a community-based intervention programme in southern Spain that aims to enhance the resilience and empowerment of refugees through peer support and peer mentoring.

Throughout the 15 week-long intervention programme refugee mentors were empowered to delivered peer support to refugee groups, helping participants to identify their strengths, appreciate their achievements post-arrival in Spain, and develop positive perspectives on their migration journey.

The study is built around personal narratives and evaluations created by participants over the course of the programme. These show that participant resilience increased during the first phase of the programme and remained high and stable during the second phase. Participant empowerment also grew steadily throughout the duration of the programme, in particular when they were assigned their own group of mentees.

Overall, the study offers valuable insights into the effectiveness of community-based interventions in promoting resilience and empowerment among refugees, emphasising the importance of peer support and mentoring in facilitating positive outcomes for displaced populations. Moreover, personal reports by participants referred to growing hope and optimism towards their future, alongside general feelings of enhanced self-confidence and self-assurance. 

A peer support and peer mentoring approach to enhancing resilience and empowerment among refugees settled in southern Spain
(451.16 KB - PDF)


Virginia Paloma, Irene de la Morena, Jana Sladkova, Clara López‐Torres
Geographic area
Contributor type
Academics and experts
Original source
Posted by
Francesco Pasetti - CIDOB
Country Coordinator

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