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European Website on Integration
21 May 2024

Labour market integration of beneficiaries of temporary protection from Ukraine

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The European Migration Network (EMN) and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) published a joint inform on the labour market integration of beneficiaries of temporary protection (BoTP) from Ukraine.

The publication highlights the importance of understanding the demographic and socio-economic characteristics of those displaced, analysing available data their labour market integration and mapping the policies and measures that exist across EMN Member and Observer Countries to facilitate their integration. 

The inform examines both measures facilitating the transition of beneficiaries from social welfare to financial independence (‘bridging measures’) and measures for those unable to meet basic needs with their income. 

Key findings include:

  • EMN Member and Observer Countries and non-European Union (EU) OECD countries (host countries) report an increase in the total number of BoTP employed between September 2022 and 2023.
  • The highest employment rates were observed in Lithuania, the Netherlands, Estonia, Czech Republic, Luxembourg, Spain and Ireland.
  • BoTP were found to be primarily employed in accommodation and food services, administrative and support services, manufacturing, wholesale and retail trade, and construction. Their positions did not necessarily match their skills or qualification level.
  • Host countries demonstrate varied policies, strategies and priorities in addressing labour market integration for BoTP, while emphasising common themes such as immediate labour market access and self-sufficiency.
  • Host countries report bridging measures to assist BoTP to transition from unemployment to economic self-sufficiency. Most report general and mainstream support measures, but do not provide targeted assistance for employed BoTP who struggle to meet basic needs.
  • Addressing language barriers and qualification mismatches are central elements in facilitating effective labour market integration.
EMN_OECD_INFORM_Labour market integration_2024
(678.72 KB - PDF)


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Olivia Long
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