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European Website on Integration
15 May 2018

How to promote entrepreneurship of immigrants


The Finnish research consortium Smart Work in Platform Economy (SWiPE), funded by the Academy of Finland, has published this policy brief on promoting immigrant entrepreneurship. The study is based on 64 interviews with immigrant entrepreneurs.

Main findings from the study include:

  1. In the beginning stages of entrepreneurship, obstacles are similar for both Finnish-born and immigrant entrepreneurs.
  2. Promoting immigrant entrepreneurship does not demand new services targeted toward immigrants. Immigrant entrepreneurs need networking and cooperation with the Finnish-born population.

The study makes the following suggestions to policy-makers:

  1. An ‘ecosystem of entrepreneurship’ should be created at the level of cities/municipalities and regions.
  2. Entrepreneurship policy should promote all kinds of businesses.
  3. At the local level, common arenas to get acquainted with each other should be created for: financiers and beginning entrepreneurs; immigrants and Finnish-born individuals interested in entrepreneurship; and civil society, businesses and entrepreneurs.
SWiPE Policy Brief
(222.51 KB - PDF)


Satu Aaltonen
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Academics and experts
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Posted by
Markku Mattila
Country Coordinator

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