This report - entitled 'Refugee and migrant health system review: challenges and opportunities for long-term health system strengthening in Estonia' - presents the findings of a joint review of the health system in Estonia, conducted by the World Health Organization (WHO) in close collaboration with the Ministry of Social Affairs of Estonia, and other partners.
The report examines the capacity of Estonia’s health system to provide services for refugees and migrants. It focuses on the health challenges facing refugees and migrants, the policies and systems in place to address these challenges, and the opportunities to strengthen long-term health system capacity. Its findings highlight significant barriers for refugees, including limited access to family physicians, language difficulties, long waiting times for specialists, and financial constraints. Refugee health professionals also face hurdles in meeting Estonia’s registration and qualification requirements.
The report also offers practical recommendations for addressing the barriers refugees and migrants face in accessing health services.
- Authors
- WHO Estonia, Ministry of Social Affairs of Estonia
- Geographic area
- Estonia
- Contributor type
- Academics and expertsInternational organisationNational governmental actor
- Original source
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