The European Migration Network (EMN) published a report which maps the state of implementation in 2019 of the recommendations laid down in the 2017 European Commission Communication on the protection of children in migration (which sets out actions to reinforce the protection of all migrant children at EU and national levels).
The report examines how EU Member States ensure the protection of children within migration procedures, and what measures are in place in relation to issues of integration, guardianship, accommodation and transition into adulthood, among others.
Key findings of the report - in relation to the state of implementation in 2019 - include:
- EU Member States and Norway set in place rules to ensure that an official with adequate training in dealing with children is present during the identification and registration procedure of minors and provide special training to border guards/police authorities to identify minors and victims of trafficking;
- While most Member States provide for the appointment or designation of a guardian or representative to unaccompanied minors recorded within the asylum system, half also provide for the appointment or designation of representatives for unaccompanied minors who are not applying for asylum but are recorded within other migration procedures;
- Member States generally do not have a specific policy or strategy for the integration of minors of a migrant background. However, national programmes promoting the integration of migrant children through sport and other leisure or cultural activities are implemented in some Member States, and new developments were reported in 2019 in relation to the integration of minors;
- Member States collected different types of data in relation to children in migration. All Member States and Norway collect data on the number of children applying for asylum, as well as their age and nationality. Disaggregated data on whether children are accompanied or unaccompanied, their gender and place of reception are not available in all Member States;
- In 2019, fewer than half of the Member States made use of EU funding (mostly from the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF)) for programmes prioritising the protection of unaccompanied children and/or families with children.
Further information, the report, a report 'inform' and a report 'flash' sheet can be found here.
- Authors
- European Migration Network (EMN)
- Geographic area
- EU Wide
- Original source
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