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11 March 2022

Czech Republic: Methods of field work with foreigners 

Flag Czech Republic EWSI


As migrant numbers grow, so too does social diversity and the range of demands placed on social workers, in particular those working within migrant communities and meeting individuals at their homes. This guidance publication summarises the different aspects of outreach social work with migrants in the context of the Czech Republic, aiming to improve knowledge of the demands placed on outreach social workers and of related best practices.

The publication takes a structured approach, addressing the competences of social workers, their main tasks, and the principles of safety in the field. It also provides a number of practical recommendations on planning and moving around in communities, establishing community contacts, and working with an interpreter.

A substantial section of the publication is devoted to provision of guidance for those working with particularly vulnerable target groups, such as victims of trafficking, homeless people, drug users, people without residence permits, children and adolescents. One chapter also looks at the provision of online services.

metodika terenni socialni prace s migranty
(638.78 KB - PDF)


Marie Jelínková
Geographic area
Czech Republic
Contributor type
Academics and experts
Non-Governmental Organisations/Civil Society
Original source
Posted by
Jan Ditko
Country Coordinator

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