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European Website on Integration
27 January 2022

City of Prague framework for the integration of foreigners 2022-2027

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In January 2022, the Prague City Assembly and the Prague City Council approved a new framework for the integration of foreigners. The Prague Framework is a summary of the history, a description of the current situation in its entire context, and above all a set of proposals for the integration of foreigners on the territory of the Capital City of Prague in the future. 

The current Prague Framework defines five basic priorities for integration and gives recommendations on how to achieve them most effectively. The priorities of the framework are to develop institutional facilities and infrastructure, promote multifaceted cooperation with relevant actors including foreigners, and improve services for foreigners, education and the coexistence of foreigners with the majority population. 

Yearly concrete steps for the implementation of the framework's priorities are outlined in the action plan section of the framework, with each including a list of actors to be involved in their implementation. The active participation and cooperation of policy makers, practitioners and residents of Prague, including migrants, is a prerequisite for the implementation of the Prague Framework.

Koncepce hl. m. Prahy pro oblast integrace cizinců
(3.59 MB - PDF)


Prague City Hall
Geographic area
Czech Republic
Contributor type
Local governmental actor
Original source
Posted by
Jan Ditko
Country Coordinator

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