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European Website on Integration
30 September 2016

Case Study: Volunteers Club of Centre for the Peace Studies - KVOC


The European Network of civil society organisation - Solidar has published a case study about the Volunteers Club of the Centre for Peace Studies (KVOC). The Club gathers volunteers who are actively supporting refugees in their everyday life across Croatia and mainly in Zagreb. They are from different social groups and origins –including students, employees, unemployed, migrants, refugees, Croatian national, etc.

KVOC is active in reception centres for asylum seekers in the cities of Zagreb and Kutina, but also in different neighborhoods around Croatia's Capital – Zagreb. Members of KVOC attend extensive education which prepares them for challenges ahead and encourages them to bring in new ideas that can improve the process of integration.


Centre for Peace Studies
Geographic area
Contributor type
Non-Governmental Organisations/Civil Society
Original source
Posted by
Drago Zuparic
Country Coordinator

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