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Sweden: Eos Cares

In Lund, Sweden, basketball club IK Eos runs 'Eos Cares', a social sustainability programme that offers services - including language training and social network building - and meeting places to promote the inclusion of migrants and other social groups.

Project Goal

IK Eos saw that its members and participants were not representative of the population of Lund, and that – as a sports club – it had the potential to positively affect integration and inclusion. A key concern for the club was the low participation of foreign-born residents in local elections: only 40% of internationals in Lund made use of their right to vote in the 2018 elections, for example. This was an indication that better support for integration and inclusion was needed, for migrants as well as others, and the club stepped in to provide it.

Who benefits

First- and second- generation migrants of all ages, including both those newly arrived and longer term residents.

How it works

Every year several thousand people participate in the programme, making it one of the largest social initiatives within the Swedish sports movement.

Eos Cares has a long-standing co-operation with the municipality of Lund, which facilitates its activities. As part of the programme, the club has opened up its home arena 'Eoshallen' to be a centre for integration, including language training and social networking. 

Specifically, the activities of the Eos Cares programme are delivered via three initiatives:

  • Eos Social Hub, the English-speaking unit of the programme. This offers a wide range of activities for language development and social inclusion. 

  • Prisma, which runs social inclusion activities specifically for new arrivals, employing other new arrivals as staff and in so doing promoting a model of self-organisation and self-help for those newly arrived in the area.

  • HSIF Klostergården, and independent satellite association which works to make sports accessible to target groups of children and young people in southwest Lund.

Each initiative has a unique target group, range of activities, internal organisation system and business model. In addition, Eos Cares is running a number of social projects.


Eos Cares opened up its gates on 23 January 2016, hosting the first session of its Eos Language Café. The café has been running ever since, delivering at least 2 sessions per week and involving more than 100 language learners on a weekly basis.

  • From 2016-19, Eos Cares developed a wide range of social activities. In addition to the language café, it offers recreational basketball practice, job market & sustainability seminars, nature excursions, cooking sessions, yoga and meditation sessions, mentorship sessions, a language tandem programme, daycare and sports sessions for parents with small kids, and much more.

  • In 2019 the programme passed the milestone of 2 000 unique yearly participants.

  • In 2019 it also received Lunds kommun’s Integration Award, as well as recognition for being the most influential contributor within the NGO sector of the municipality.

  • Prisma was launched in September 2019, in order to better involve the refugee community in social activities. During the first year of its implementation, 844 people received support to access leisure-time activities that they otherwise had not been aware of.

  • In the second year of Prisma, its delivery was adapted to COVID-19 conditions. During the restrictions, more than 100 people per week were engaged in online and small-group activities including social counseling, SFI homework support, language mentoring, basic IT courses and bike training.

  • During the summer of 2021, the Prisma activities alone involved 1 014 unique individuals, many of them kids & youth in great need of holiday activities.

  • In April 2020, sports club HSIF Klostergården was founded. During the first year, over 200 children were involved in the club’s activities.

  • Eos Cares specialises in using Eoshallen and other venues for large social events, collaborating with other NGOs and organisations to create meeting places. Among the biggest events so far have been a welcome event for new students (August 2017, 640 people), Superdag/Eid Adha (July 2021, 480 people), a winter party (December 2019, 400 people), Japanese Cultural Day (May 2019, 390 people), and Playground Eoshallen (July 2019, 250 people).


Eos Cares has been evaluated a number of times by its funders, such as the Municipality of Lund and the Swedish Agency for Youth & Civil Society (MUCF). In 2019, it was awarded "Integration Project of the Year" by the Municipality of Lund. 

Funding and resources

  • Swedish Agency for Youth & Civil Society (MUCF)
  • Municipality of Lund
  • Public donations and sponsors 

About this good practice


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Posted by
Lisa Pelling
Country Coordinator

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