In March and April 2013 6 open forum discussions were held in different parts of Estonia: Tallinn, Tartu and Ida-Viru county. Citizens of other countries and stateless persons living in Estonia were invited and nearly 170 of them took part in discussions on integration. The debates focused on the aims and shortcomings of integration policies; the job market, education, equal treatment and tolerance. After the discussions, summary reports in three languages were compiled and the results were presented to the Ministry of Culture to be used as an important input to the new Strategy of Integration and Social Cohesion in Estonia, which is to be drawn up by the beginning of 2014. It was the first time that non-citizens were involved in policy-making at such a large scale.
Project Goal
Open Forums did not only allow people to come together in such a large scale to discuss their worries and problems related with their everyday-life and integration, but also allowed them to give direct input and say on the integration matters in Estonia. Also, the results of the forums created for the first time the matrix of ideas, suggestions etc. coming directly from the participants, and these results were also made publicly available. Citizens' panel involves the target group in a systematic way that is easily repeatable in the future – the method is clearly explained in the report, collected data is organised in a way that it can serve as a basis for the same research in the future.
Who benefits
Citizens of other countries and stateless persons living in Estonia were invited and nearly 170 of them took part in discussions on integration. It was the first time that non-citizens were involved in policy-making at such a large scale. After the discussions, summary reports in three languages were compiled and the results were presented to the Ministry of Culture to be used as an important input to the new Strategy of Integration and Social Cohesion in Estonia, which is expected to be adopted in early 2014.
How it works
The Citizens’ panel as a method of involvement has been used during different times in various ways in many countries. The open forum consisted of the following transferrable elements: randomly selected citizens who represent a cross-section of the involved community; provision of relatively free and comfortable environment for discussing topics; the panel was preceded by a quantitative survey among involved target group, results of which were discussed during in the discussion rounds; event was organised by an impartial party and including relevant experts.
As a result of the integration forums, a report on recommendations was published in three languages and introduced to the policy-makers. The report included both topic by topic recommendations and general recommendations on the development and implementation of the strategy for integration and social cohesion.
The impact of the forums can be measured first, by looking at how many of the recommendations were taken into account when compiling the new integration strategy for 2014-2020, and second, by the end of 2020 an analysis can reveal how many of those recommendations were actually carried out. In some parts of Estonia, it was challenging to gather enough motivated people to participate in the Open Forum discussion, due to social exclusion of the target group (third-country nationals).
Funding and resources
Funding: Integration and Migration Foundation Our People (MISA) from the European Fund for the Integration of third-country nationals and state budget through the Ministry of Culture Total budget (EUR): 53 580 EUR Number and type of workers needed: approx. 7
About this good practice
- Project dates
- -
- Geographic area
- Estonia
- Organisation
- PRAXIS Center for Policy Studies and Institute of Baltic Studies (IBS)
- Contact person
- Kristjan Kaldur
- Position
- Project partner
- Posted by