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The Netherlands: 'The Thuisgevers' project

A logo with the words 'de Thuisgevers' appearing in blue and a blue key with the Dutch flag weaved through it


Due to the ongoing shortage in the Dutch housing market, many municipalities are facing a shortage of affordable housing. As a result, refugees with residence permits often remain in asylum reception centres – because of a lack of alternative options - for a long time, occupying spaces that could otherwise be given to others. These prolonged waiting times often cause uncertainty and depression. Thuisgevers (de Thuisgevers) is a non-profit organisation that makes creative use of vacant spaces, such as offices, schools, and parsonages, to accommodate people still living in reception centres who have residence permits but nowhere else to stay. With the help of volunteers, The Thuisgevers provides social support and ensures a swift, successful integration of refugees with residence permits into the community.

Project Goal

The goals of the project can be divided into the following thematic areas:

  • Accelerated housing solutions: Thuisgevers provides (temporary) housing for refugees with residence permits by turning unused spaces into residential areas. This helps refugees start their new lives more quickly and frees up space in asylum reception centres.
  • Integration and social support: The organisation arranges additional social support for refugees with residence permits by pairing them with ‘buddies’ from the local community. These buddies help newcomers to find their way in Dutch society and show them important and enjoyable places in the neighborhood.
  • Collaboration and community engagement: Collaboration between municipalities, social organisations, and local communities is facilitated by the organisation to address the housing and integration needs of refugees. This collaboration is characterised by compassion, community spirit, cooperation, and the belief that everyone has the right to a safe and dignified living environment. In this way new arrivals truly become part of the neighborhood.
  • Addressing constraints in the housing market: Thuisgevers mitigates the impact of the housing shortage by offering alternative housing solutions. Refugees with residence permits are supported to move out of asylum centres into this alternative housing as quickly as possible, thereby freeing up space in these centres. The organisation also provides homes for other urgent housing seekers, so that refugees and other residents can live together.
  • Capacity building and advisory services: Thuisgevers provides free advice and support to municipalities in achieving their housing targets and to social organisations interested in starting a Thuisgever initiative. This includes sharing best practices, offering practical guidance, and providing resources for successful implementation. It has weekly contact with the Ministry of Justice and Security, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Central Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers (COA).

Who benefits

Refugees living in asylum centres despite already having been granted residence permits, and asylum seekers waiting for a place in these centres. Municipalities also receive assistance with meeting their legal obligation to provide housing for permit holders and with ensuring the integration of newcomers in local communities.

How it works

In addition to providing alternative housing solutions, Thuisgevers connects social organisations and local authorities and offer free advice and assistance to municipalities and other institutions. Alongside volunteers, it provides additional social support through buddies, ensuring that refugees with residence permits receive a warm welcome and integrate more quickly into their new environment: finding work, sending children to school, and participating in the community.


Thuisgevers is active in more than 70 municipalities in the Netherlands, and has so far provided temporary alternative housing to a total of 500 refugees with residence permits (thereby freeing up 45 000 overnight stays in asylum centres). Over 245 of these permit holders have since moved to permanent housing. The organisation expects to temporarily house a total of 1 000 permit holders in 2024.


An evaluation of the project has not yet been made available to the public. The following quotes are indicative of how those involved in the project perceive it:

  • Mayor Erica van Lente, Dalfsen municipality: 'I am happy and proud that under the banner of de Thuisgevers, there are already three projects in our municipality. These have been realised thanks to the efforts of many volunteers, both from within the church and beyond. It’s great that we can help people build a new home!'
  • Mayor Sander de Rouwe, Kampen municipality: 'When governments and social organisations join forces, we reduce the pressure on asylum reception centres and increase public support.'
  • Behrang, Thuisgeef resident: 'I spent four years in the asylum centre. My life was on hold, which made me depressed. Now I feel like a human being again. Finally, I can make plans for the future.'
  • Bram van Noordenne, Thuisgeef initiative leader: 'It may feel like a drop in the ocean to provide permit holders with a place to live, but it has a tremendous impact on an individual’s life.'

Funding and resources

Thuisgevers is a collaboration between the municipality of Kampen and the Protestant Church in the Netherlands. The organisation receives financial support from the Ministry of Justice and Security and is facilitated by the Central Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers (COA).

About this good practice


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Posted by
Jaleesa Latupeirissa
Country Coordinator

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