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Horizon Europe: info days 2021

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A series of info days for Horizon Europe - the EU’s key funding programme for research and innovation - will take place online from 28 June to 9 July 2021. 

Prospective applicants and other stakeholders of EU research and innovation will be able to find information and ask questions about the main funding instruments and processes of the programme, constructed according to the Horizon Europe Strategic Plan 2021-24.

Nine themes will be addressed, each relating to a different cluster or part of the new programme, including cluster 2 on 1 July: Culture, creativity & inclusive society. 

Cluster 2 will focus on the production of evidence-based strategies to manage mobility and migration and the integration of migrants in European society, including a better understanding of how migration interacts with other relevant policy fields (e.g. welfare; education; skills provision; housing; public services).

Eligible activities will support:

  • the expansion of social resilience, tackling political extremism and enhancing trust in democratic governance in general;
  • the governance of migration and the integration of migrants and populations of immigrant background into European labour markets and societies. 

Find out more about cluster 2 here.

Other cluster focuses include health; digital, industry & space; climate, energy & mobility. The info days will be open for participation without prior registration.

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European Commission
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Olivia Long
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