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Final meeting of the Women4Integration (WIN) project

The Women4Integration (WIN) project will hold its results restitution meeting in Brussels on 18 April. The meeting will provide an occasion for networking among institutions and local entities dealing with the integration of migrant women, their empowerment and the enhancement of their professional skills.

The AMIF-funded project supports the socio-economic integration of migrant women in Milan, Barcelona, Malmo and Amsterdam by promoting participation in social life and in public services offered by the local community, running integration programmes, fostering gender equality, enhancing employment skills and entry into the labour market, and improving ownership of local institutions and actors. It is run by WorkISProgress-Fondazione Soleterre in partnership with the Municipality of Milan, Telaio delle Arti, Piano C, Politecnico di Milano (Italy), Yalla Trappan, University of Malmö (Sweden), Netwerkpro (Netherlands) and Fundación Surt (Spain).

The event will be held in French and English, with interpretation available. Find the full agenda attached below, and learn more about the project here.

Programme and invitation: WIP final meeting
(652.11 KB - PDF)

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