CESIR, CReSPO, CRHIDI and CESO from Université Saint Louis, KULeuven and UCLouvain issued a call for proposals for their 'study day', Migration in Belgium: Epistemological issues, History, Public action and Mobilisations.
The event will take place on 16 - 17 November 2023, at the Brussels Saint-Louis site of UCLouvain. The organisers issued the following description of its purpose:
"This study day aims to bring together researchers from different social science disciplines (anthropology, law, economics, geography, history, philosophy, psychology, political science, sociology, etc.) working on migration issues in Belgium. In a context where migration phenomena are regularly at the forefront of political and media news (“reception crisis”, border management and control, citizen mobilisations, etc.), the aim of this study day is, on the one hand, to review the progress of research in the various social science disciplines in this field, and, on the other hand, to refine academic analyses through a multidisciplinary dialogue. This meeting thus intends to contribute to a better understanding of the migration phenomenon in Belgium."
Researchers wishing to join the event are invited to submit a paper in at least one of the following thematic areas:
- Axis 1: History of migration in Belgium
- Axis 2 : Migration policy in Belgium
- Axis 3: Mobilisations and solidarity in Belgium
- Axis 4: Epistemological and methodological issues
This study day is primarily aimed at researchers, academics and PhD students in social sciences who work on migration issues in the Belgian context, but also at field workers, members of associations or collectives. Proposals (of no more than 250 words) can be written in English, French, or Dutch, and must be submitted by 1 July.
Practical information
- Venue
- Université Saint Louis - 43, Boulevard du Jardin Botanique, 1000 Brussels
- Where
- Belgium
- When
- to
- Languages
- FrenchEnglishDutch
- Organiser
- Source
- Posted by