02 September 2024France : La participation des primo-arrivants à la vie associative Pour les immigrés s’installant en France, le lien avec le tissu associatif peut jouer un rôle crucial dans leur processus d'intégration. Il leur...
04 July 2024Bulgaria: EWSI country coordinator wins national award Bistra Ivanova, EWSI country coordinator for Bulgaria since 2015 and co-founder and chairperson of NGO Multi Kulti Collective since 2011 , was...
18 March 2024Denmark: Boundary Work project examines effects of asylum policy paradigm shift Since 2021, the Danish Red Cross and DRC Danish Refugee Council have been collaborating with the Centre for Advanced Migration Studies at Copenhagen...
29 January 2024France: Appel à candidatures pour la 3e promotion de l’Académie pour la participation des personnes réfugiées Suite au succès des deux premières promotions, la Délégation interministérielle pour l’accueil et l’intégration des réfugiés (DIAIR) et le Haut...
29-31Jan2024Youth and societies in Europe and around the Mediterranean: youth engagement Since 2003, the Network Meetings on Youth and Societies in Europe and around the Mediterranean (RJS) have served as a collaborative platform for
22 June 2023Bulgaria: Ukraine situation - multi-sector needs assessment UNHCR Bulgaria published a Multi-Sector Needs Assessment (MSNA) to profile refugees with temporary protection status and identify their needs...
15-01Jun-Jul2023Call for papers - Migration in Belgium: Epistemological issues, history, public action and mobilisations CESIR, CReSPO, CRHIDI and CESO from Université Saint Louis, KULeuven and UCLouvain issued a call for proposals for their 'study day', Migration in
31May2023Ukraine changes everything: What has the civil society response to Russia’s war against Ukraine taught us about NGOs and humanitarianism? This event will look at the evolution of civil society responses to humanitarian crises in Poland (using the case studies of those fleeing the war in
10-12May2023Zwei Welten? Integration von Geflüchteten in ländlichen Räumen Obwohl „Stadt“ und „Land“ keine gegensätzlichen Begriffe sind, gibt es bestimmte strukturelle Eigenschaften, die die Integration von Geflüchteten in
28 February 2023Poland: Reception and integration of those displaced from Ukraine in 2022 This report looks at how the Polish state and Polish society, with the support of NGOs, international organisations and migrant communities, are...