The Swedish government's Migration Studies Delegation (Delmi) - an independent committee that launches studies and conducts research in the field of...
The Greek Ministry of Migration and Asylum, in collaboration with the International Organization for Migration (IOM), reached significant milestones...
Think tanks Praxis and Feministeerium, based in Estonia, conducted a study using a feminist participatory action research (FPAR) approach with women...
The War and Labor project is an investigative effort that examines the labour exploitation of refugees displaced from Ukraine in Europe, including in...
This report - entitled ' Refugee and migrant health system review: challenges and opportunities for long-term health system strengthening in Estonia'...
Le programme d’Accompagnement Global et Individualisé des Réfugiés (AGIR) a pour objectif d’accompagner les réfugiés vers l’emploi et le logement. Il...