17-19Mar20252025 IMISCOE Spring Conference The 2025 IMISCOE spring conference will take place on 17 – 19 March 2025 in Krems, Austria, and online. The title / topic of the conference is " The
05 February 2025Portugal: Migrant employment in tourism and hospitality in the Algarve The collaborative laboratory Knowledge to Innovative Professions in Tourism (KIPT) and the Association of Hotels and Tourist Enterprises of the...
03Feb2025Portugal: Presentation of report on hate speech and immigration On 3 February Casa do Brasil de Lisboa will present the 5th report of the MigraMyths project. The theme of the report is hate speech and immigration
03 February 2025Belgium: Managing ethnic diversity in the police force as a tool in the fight against institutional racism In March 2023, researchers Corinne Torrekens, Camille Fortunier and Shannon Damery from the GERME research centre (Université libre de Bruxelles)...
30 January 2025Spain: Racism and discrimination in sport This report by SOS Racismo explores racism and discrimination in sport in Spain. It acknowledges the power of sport to promote social inclusion and...
30 January 2025Portugal: Immigration Barometer The Immigration Barometer survey, sponsored by the Francisco Manuel dos Santos Foundation, explored perceptions of migrants and immigration held by...
28 January 2025Spain: Political integration of immigrants and their children This report provides a comprehensive, in-depth analysis of the political integration of immigrants and their children in Spain. The study employs a...
24 January 2025France : Le travail en horaires atypiques des immigrés en 2022 En France, près de la moitié des actifs occupés travaillent au moins une fois par mois en horaires « atypiques » (soir, nuit ou week-end). En 2022...
24 January 2025Vernachlässigtes Wähler*innenpotenzial? Über politische Problemwahrnehmungen, Alltagssorgen und Parteipräferenzen von Menschen mit Migrationshintergrund Wenige Wochen vor der Bundestagswahl hat das Deutsche Zentrum für Integrations- und Migrationsforschung (DeZIM) eine aktuellen Kurzstudie veröfftlicht...
22 January 2025Czech Republic: Analysis of information sources used by foreigners The Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (MPSV) commissioned a study to analyse the information sources used by foreigners from Ukraine, India...