The European Commission (EC) is now accepting calls for proposals for project grants under the call for Transnational Actions on Asylum, Migration and...
The European Commission (EC) announced €32.7 million made available to transnational projects on migration, including integration. The call is part of...
AMIF, the European Commission's Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund, is calling for funding proposals for projects that facilitate migrant children...
The European Commission is now accepting applications for funding through the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) to support the integration...
The European Commission has opened for proposals a total of €16.2 million to support the integration of third-country nationals. The available funding...
On 9 November 2017, the EU opened a 25 million euro worth call for proposals. The requested EU co-funding can be between EUR 450.000 and EUR 1.000.000...
Different service and care models targeting children and youth on the move have emerged over time and have been tested in different contexts. However...