27 January 2025Estonia: Integration and protection for Syrian refugees An article by the Estonian Refugee Council examines the situation of those displaced from Syria who have established themselves in Estonia. Many of...
05-15Dec2024Croatia: Series of events for International Migrants' Day Throughout December many events are being organised in Croatia, ahead of celebration of International Migrants' Day (18 December): The first event is
05Dec2024Estonia: Conference on EU labour shortages and skilled migration EMN Estonia and IOM Estonia are hosting a joint conference entitled ' EU's Labour Dilemma: Finding Balance between Local and Migrant Workers'. The
14-15Nov2024Cultural diversity – an obstacle or an opportunity in shaping a cohesive society? The Estonian Integration Foundation, in collaboration with the country's Ministry of Culture, will host its 11th Integration Conference - entitled
07Nov2024Northern and Baltic Migration Conference 2024 The Nordic Council of Ministers, the Tartu Welcome Centre and the University of Tartu will host the 2024 Northern and Baltic Migration Conference On 7
07Nov2024Estonia: International Humanitarian Assistance Conference The Estonian Refugee Council is holding its second International Humanitarian Assistance Conference on 7 November in Tallinn. This year’s conference
01Oct2024Estonia: Presentation of the EU Pact on Migration and Asylum In the spring of 2024, the European Union institutions approved a new Migration and Asylum Pact which provides Member States with a strong legal basis
20 September 2024 - 02 October 2024Estonia: Competition for the 2023-2024 Integration Awards Estonian Integration Foundation is inviting nominations for the 2023 - 2024 Integration Awards. The awards will recognise activities and projects that...
18Sep2024What’s next? Update on the status of degree recognition in Spain On Wednesday 18 September, the Centre Internacional Escarré per a les Minories Ètniques i les Nacions (CIEMEN) will host the only presentation in
11Sep2024France : Favoriser l'intégration professionnelle des personnes réfugiées En réponse à une saisine de la Délégation interministérielle à l'accueil et à l'intégration des réfugiés (DIAIR), la Plateforme RSE - plateforme