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Thessaloniki - Final Multiplier Event: Integrating Refugees in Higher Education and Europe


The team of S.U.C.RE. (Supporting University Community Pathways for Refugees-Migrants) invites attendees to the Final Multiplier Event, to be held on 4 October 2018 in Thessaloniki, Greece. The event aims to bring together academics, NGOs, practitioners, EU/national representatives and refugee students and scholars to discuss effective ways to facilitate the integration of refugee and migrant students in higher education and in society. The event will also make use of the S.U.C.R.E. project’s results.

S.U.C.RE. focuses on the response of universities to the academic needs of refugee and migrant students and scholars and on the formation of good practice guidelines through the development of training modules. Specifically, the project has focused on the processes required for the proper integration of refugee and migrant students and scholars in higher education, as well as on academic support after beginning their university studies.

The S.U.C.RE. project was granted by the Hellenic National Agency (IKY) via the European Commission. The coordinator of the project is Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and the project consortium consists of the University of Cologne, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and the Greek Council for Refugees. S.U.C.R.E. is an Erasmus+ KA2 project.

The event will be held in English. There is no fee for registration or participation in the event, but registration is required. Further information on the event is available.

Draft event programme

Practical information

Aristotle University Research Dissemination Center (Red Building), Aristotle University Campus, 3rd Septemvriou str., 54636 Thessaloniki, Greece
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Posted by
Marina Nikolova

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